Contact Us

Welcome to Once Upon a Personal Shopper!

We are a team of Personal shoppers for the Walt Disney World area. We are available to shop for your vacation needs.

Why would you hire a personal shopper?

* Leave the everyday task to us! Why waste time running from store to store in an unfamiliar area? We know the best places to shop for the best deals.
( Local Tip: The area stores tend to be crowded. Long lines are not unusual. A few locations can be higher in price. We seek out the best price we can find.)

* We can deliver your order to your resort, time share, rental home, hotel, an rv park, a local residence and we even ship worldwide.

*Arrive to have your groceries already available.
  Diapers and baby wipes are bulky to pack.
  A package of water will save money.
  Autograph books can be ready for arrival.
  Breakfast in will save money and time.

* Last Minute Errands:
  Did you forget the sunscreen?
  Run out of over-the-counter medication?
  Need a prescription?

* Special Service:
  Birthday cake delivery
  Wine,Champaign etc.
  Welcome Surprise for the family/Children
  Snack Basket filled with popular Disney treats

* Shop & Ship:
  Forget an item that you wanted to purchase?
  Want a special holiday item?
  Craving a Disney World Snack?
  Special Gift for a loved one?
  Want a Florida Citrus Gift but nit a subscription?

** We welcome special request!

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